NHS Scholarship

The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) has given exceptional NHS seniors more than $25 million in scholarships since 1946. We are giving 600 kids $2 million in scholarships this year. The four pillars of NHS—Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character—are used to determine who gets a scholarship each year.

NHS Scholarship

Are you an exceptional student who wants to go to college? If so, you are likely aware of the esteemed NHS Scholarship. Through this scholarship program, you will have the amazing opportunity to not only get financial help for your education but also to be acknowledged for your exceptional leadership and academic abilities. We’ll walk you through the application process for an NHS Scholarship in this blog post, offering helpful advice on how to craft a strong application and sharing heartwarming success stories from previous winners.

What is the NHS Scholarship?

The National Honor Society (NHS) administers the prestigious and difficult NHS Scholarship program.

Its goal is to provide support to excellent seniors in high school who have excelled not only academically but also in leadership, character, and community service. Your efforts and commitment during your high school career have been recognized with this scholarship.

The NHS Scholarship considers your overall growth as a student, in contrast to many other scholarships that only concentrate on academics. Being actively involved in extracurricular activities and community service will greatly increase your chances of obtaining this prestigious prize, even though maintaining an exceptional GPA is still vital.

The NHS Scholarship is special in that it takes into account both your commitment to helping others and your financial necessity. The selection committee searches for applicants who, via activities like hospital volunteer work, event planning, or student mentorship, have significantly improved their schools or local communities.

Should you be favoured with the NHS Scholarship, it can offer priceless financial assistance for your university studies. Although the exact amount varies every year, each student usually receives between $2,500 and $20,000 in scholarships.

Getting an NHS Scholarship boosts your resume’s prestige and lessens the financial strain of tuition. It proves to colleges and universities that you have attributes that are highly regarded in higher education settings, such as honesty, a strong sense of social responsibility, and leadership abilities.

3 Steps to Apply

  • Create an Account
  • Get verified
  • Submit and Complete your Application


  • Sept. 16, 2024: Date of application opening
  • Submission deadline: November 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. (ET).
  • Notifications to applicants will be sent in February 2025.
  • April 2025: The top 25 scholarship finalists and their advisors will travel to Washington, DC, at no cost.


To be eligible, a student must be:

  • Either a senior in high school or planning to graduate within the current school year.
  • A current, up-to-date, and in good standing member of a local National Honor Society chapter who satisfies all qualifications for membership.
  • The NHS chapter adviser has confirmed that the account holder is an NHS student.
  • Intending to enrol in a US college or university that has gained accreditation.

Note: The maximum number of candidates per chapter is not restricted.


The National Honor Society’s (NHS) Scholarship program is a manifestation of the organization’s dedication to identifying and providing assistance to outstanding high school students. This esteemed scholarship program honours the accomplishments of individuals who have shown exceptional leadership, service, character, and academic excellence, in addition to offering financial aid.

For those who receive NHS scholarships, the benefits go much beyond the money. It is an acknowledgement of their diligence, passion, and resolve to improve their communities through hard work. The acknowledgement and assistance obtained via the NHS Scholarship can lead to new prospects, such as enrollment in prestigious colleges, the availability of mentorship programs, and the ability to make connections with a group of successful people.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many NHS scholarships are awarded each year?

  • The number of NHS scholarships awarded each year can vary. The exact number of scholarships awarded is determined by the NHS and may depend on available funding, the number of eligible applicants, and other factors.

Is the NHS Scholarship renewable?

  • No, the NHS Scholarship is typically a one-time award and is not renewable. However, recipients of the scholarship may be eligible for other scholarships or financial aid offered by their chosen colleges or universities.

When is the deadline to apply for the NHS Scholarship?

  • The deadline to apply for the NHS Scholarship is determined by the local chapters of the National Honor Society. It is essential to check with your NHS advisor or local chapter for the specific deadline and any additional requirements or procedures.

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